Generosity is at the heart of MCF
Living generously is one of our four core values. We believe it reflects our faith and embodies Christ’s love. By giving, we support our church, help those in need and strengthen our community. Thank you for considering joining with us. We deeply appreciate every gift we receive to support the work of MCF.
One Off or Regular Gifts
Can be made by using our bank details for bank transfer or standing order. This is our preferred method of receiving donations. By giving this way your gift avoids all bank charges.
Act Name – Meadowhead Christian Fellowship
Bank account Number – 70908487
Sort Code – 20 76 89
Cash and Cheques
Can be given every Sunday during the morning service.
Cheques should be made payable to “Meadowhead Christian Fellowship”
(Using this donation method will result in MCF incurring bank charges.)
By Bank Card
Our preferred option would be to receive one – off gifts by bank transfer to avoid processing fees, but if this is not an option you are welcome to complete this form to make a one-off gift by Debit/Credit Card.
Click on the button below to give a One-Off gift via your bank card.
(Using this donation method will result in MCF incurring bank charges.)

What is Gift Aid
Gift Aid is a HMRC tax incentive. Giving through Gift Aid means charities like Meadowhead Christian Fellowship can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It will not cost you any extra.
In order for us to claim Gift Aid on your donation, you need to be paying UK income tax (or capital gains tax) you also need to complete a Gift Aid declaration which you can complete here or get from our treasurer.