

Jonathan Dunning leads us in prayer for our community and nation.
Tonight's prayers led by Jonathan Dunning.
Thanks for joining us to pray. today we shall read Micah 7:7-10 and 18-19, and sing "You call me out upon the waters" (Oceans) and the chorus "All Hail the…
Thanks for joining us to pray. today we shall read Psalm 9:1-12, and Sing the hymn "Be Thou my vision" and the chorus "Lord we long for You to move…
Todays live prayer includes a reading from 1 Corinthians 1:26-2:5 and the songs "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain" (Revelation Song) and "How deep the Father's love for us"
Thanks for joining us to pray. Today we shall read from Zechariah 4:6-10, and sing "Give thanks to the Lord Our God and King" and "Spirit of the Living God…
This is Andy's talk from this mornings gathering on Power and Pentecost.
This week with the help of many of our friends we look at the power of the Holy Spirit. Music:
Thanks for joining us to pray. today we shall be reading from Jeremiah 29:4-14 and singing the hymn "Breathe on me Breath of God" and the chorus, "There must be…
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